I’ve used the Max-OT (Maximum Overload Training) principles for over 14 years and have instructed countless others on this highly effective method with tremendous success.
Max-OT was developed by AST Sports Science founder and one of my mentors, Paul Delia. I had the privilege of working with Paul directly for four years when I lived in Colorado and worked at the AST Sports Science headquarters. That was the greatest educational experience of my life and also the most productive years of my training.
In that time I like to think that we refined the Max-OT principles even more and there is not a doubt in my mind it is the most effective way to train to maximize results.
Here are some key Max-OT principles you will want to keep in mind as you structure your workouts:
- 4-6 reps per set.
- Each body part worked only 1 time weekly.
- Select basic compound exercises.
- Low set volume.
- 1 Week off after every 8-10 weeks of training.
- Warm-up efficiently without inducing fatigue.
- Keep cardio short and intense (16-20 minutes in duration).
- If you perform cardio and weight training in the same session, do cardio after weights and not before.
Hey Jeff,
I wanted to ask for your advice on when to wear a weight lifting belt?
I know that some people say you should wear it on all heavy lifts to avoid getting the bulging stomach look? Is this true or what is your take on this?
I weight belt has nothing to do with a bulging stomach look.
I recommend wearing a weight belt on squats and regular dead lifts. A weight belt will help support your back by keeping inner abdominal pressure increased.
the best bodybuilder ever!!
Their is a guy at the gym I go to that has been using your log and routine book. He is getting some great gains. I think he is using your Max OT principle. So I checked it out and have a question. The example you provide is very basic and short. Is that the point or secret? I don’t train like a body builder but more akin to a boxer. More exercises more reps and much longer in the gym. (I love the gym so a 30minute routine would be a little sad for me). I must say though the program you provide in the log is showing great results for my friend. Are your other routines more difficult/in depth/challenging/longer? (lol) As I I’m interested in the program. Thanks Jeff
The workouts are short and intense. The more “advanced” you are in the gym it doesn’t mean the longer and more involved your workouts should be. The Max-OT principles in the workout journal that your friend is following are the same exact principles I recommend anyone follows who wants to change their body.
I got this pain in my elbow and i dont think its tendinitous, I took off two months, but its still hurting on tricep movements , could i have torn a tendon or maybe have fluid build up?
I not qualified to give a diagnosis. If it is still painful after 2 months off you may want to get it checked by a professional.
Hey Jeff,
Thank you for all you do for us.
I am your old fan from Europe.
Please, I have only one question:
Dumbbell Pullovers ???
Can I do this exercise with Max-OT principles?
If yes, when is the best time to do?
With chest or back?
I hope this is a good question?
Thanks Jeff
I prefer not to include pull-overs in the Max-OT workouts.
Jeff, thank you again for your help.
But how to exercise muscle – serratus anterior?
Sorry for my bad english.
I don’t think you need to do anything specifically for that muscle. I think it gets enough work during heavy compound exercises.
Hi Jeff,
I’m in my forties now and have been training for 25 years.
Should I have to alter something if I want to keep training for the next 25 years?
I use the Max OT system
I don’t think you really have to alter the program as long as you emphasize good execution and control. Also don’t get too ahead of yourself with weight selection. Increase only when you can execute the movement very well.
Hello Mr. Willet,
I saw the ‘want to Look like…’ movie what inspired me a lot. Now reading the max-ot pdf. You mention that there can be an replacement for Squats (with example workout, but i can’t find this.) I had some really bad lower back pain and searching for replacement exercises for squats, bb rows, deadlifts.
Would be great if you can give me any advice.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Greetings from europe
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the documentary.
Leg press is a suitable alternative to squats.
Hi Jeff,
This is my first post in your site & i’m very impressed of your work. I have bought the The Max-OT principles & the CD’s and I’ve been following your book for about 5 months now. My question is for the Hamstrings part, do I need to do Lying Hamstring Curls or Standing Hamstring Curls.Is it enough to cover that part by squats & Leg Presses as in your Max-OT principles? Thanks.
Thanks for the great feedback!
I think the best hamstring move is stiff leg deadlifts. The last several years of my competitive career the only direct hamstring move I performed was stiff legs and my hamstrings improved year by year.
Thanks again for your orders.
hi i am josian:
and i have a question for you:
i want to workout with dumbbells 4 times per week,
can you show me a 4 times per week body split to do with dumbbells?
i want to workout every body parts, specially the forearms, abs and calves?
thank you!
your friend,
You can do any of the Max-OT routines listed or implement the Max-OT principles with your own arrangement and select dumbbells rather than barbell movements.