I’ve seen some posts about our documentary “I Want to Look Like That Guy” and at least in a few cases there seems to be some confusion about the actual point of the movie.

One of the primary points is to illustrate that for the “average” person with a job, family and normal life obligations it is not functional or realistic to achieve and maintain single digit body fat percentage, however, that is what would be required if you want to look like the guys in the ads.

People are sold the image on a daily basis that if you take a certain supplement or buy a special machine then you too can look like the model featured in the ad. What they fail to tell you is that in order for the vast majority of body types to achieve single digit or a “bodybuilding lean” / “photography lean” physique it takes intense personal sacrifice with your diet and life style.

In the film you watch Stu go through it all from starting at about 30% body fat to achieving under 6% body fat and ultimately competing and placing 2nd in an NPC bodybuilding contest all at the age of 43 and with a very busy professional life.

I am so proud of the movie because it shows you CAN look like the guy in the ad if you execute an intelligent approach with discipline and consistent hard work (the same approach I used to become an IFBB Pro – drug free) for a long period of time AND it also shows just how hard it is to get “bodybuilding lean” and it exposes all those ads that sell an image which is unrealistic for most people.

We are not talking about a bodybuilder here or someone striving to be a fitness model. Then, of course, that lifestyle is required to succeed in that field and the person knows that going into it. We are talking about your so-called average 40 something man that just wants to look like the image he has been sold verses what it really takes to look like the guy in the ads. I should know because I was the guy in the ad!

If you actually watch the film, the message should jump right off the screen at you. Try not to judge too harshly until you have actually watched it.

Believe. Achieve.



  1. avatar
    Anglican Beach Party

    Hi Jeff,

    I've watched it twice so far, from start to finish, and I think the messages you reiterate above come through very clearly.

    I think some folks' reactions stem from the perceived "spin" that Stu's narration gives the story. At points, he almost seems to regret going through the experience.

    For me, the BIG take-away story was that you took a normal, everyday, somewhat overweight middle-aged guy, and successfully put him on an NPC bodybuilding stage. That is a HUGE success story!!!

    I do get a huge chuckle out of the 30-minute infomercials for these fancy low-intensity machines, KNOWING that the athletes demonstrating them used HEAVY free weights to build the muscle they pretend came from the contraption they are trying to sell to housewives.

    Anyhow, I love your video, and have been spreading the word!

    Yours truly,
    Paul Erlandson
    Royal Oak, Michigan

  2. avatar
    Jeff Willet


    Thank you for the great review! I appreciate it and am glad you enjoyed the film.

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