Hey, Jeff, which supplement do you think is better? VP2 or 100% Gold Standard Whey? Right now I’m taking VP2 upon waking, 100% Gold post-workout, and Caesin before bed. Thanks!
Okay, thank you, sir! I was curious to as how much rest you have between each set on the Max-OT routine. You do 2 sets of 4-6 reps, but how long are you suppose to rest between each set? Thank you!
"I Want to Look Like That Guy"....Wow! What a journey this takes you on. In a lot of ways this shows a side to Jeff I didn’t know existed. Whether you’re a newcomer to the world of bodybuilding or the most jaded, hard core gym-rat, you will relate to this brutally honest account. It had me enthralled; smiling, giggling and cringing, sometimes all at once!
You’re the man Jeff!
I have one question, does this Max-OT routine look ok:
Monday – Back & Biceps
Deadlifts – 3×4-6
Weighted Pull-ups – 2×4-6
Seated Cable Rows – 2×4-6
Cable Pull Downs – 2×4-6
Barbell Curls – 2×4-6
Dumbbell Curls – 2×4-6
Wednesday – Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Flat Bench Press – 3×4-6
Incline Bench Press – 2×4-6
Weighted Dips – 1×4-6
Military Press – 2×4-6
Side Lateral Raises – 2×4-6
Lying Triceps Extensions – 2×4-6
Tricep Cable Pushdowns – 2×4-6
Friday – Legs, Calves & Abs
Squats – 3×4-6
Leg Press – 2×4-6
Stiff Leg Deadlifts – 2×4-6
Standing Calf Raises – 2×6-8
Seated Calf Raises – 2×6-8
Cable Crunches – 2×8-10
Hanging Leg Raises – 2x max
Thank you for your time, sir.
Looks fine but I would remove cable pull-downs from the back exercises.
Hey, Jeff, which supplement do you think is better? VP2 or 100% Gold Standard Whey? Right now I’m taking VP2 upon waking, 100% Gold post-workout, and Caesin before bed. Thanks!
My preference is VP2.
Okay, thank you, sir! I was curious to as how much rest you have between each set on the Max-OT routine. You do 2 sets of 4-6 reps, but how long are you suppose to rest between each set? Thank you!
2-3 minutes is a general guideline. The important thing is to take enough time between sets so you can exert another maximal effort.